RFQ Number: CNFA-FAS-RFQ-GRANTS- IS-ASC-2019-04-01
Issuance Date: May 3, 2019
Deadline for Questions: May 13, 2019 @ 3:00pm
Deadline for Offers: June 2, 2019 @ 3:00pm
Description: Supply,Delivery, Commissioning, and Provision of Warranty for agricultural tractors ranging from 30hp to 170hp.
For: Egypt Feed the Future Food Security and Agribusiness Support (FAS)
Funded By: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
Contract Number: AID-263-A-15-00022
Implemented By: CNFA (Cultivating New Frontiers in Agriculture)
Point of Contact FAS Procurement Manager [email protected]
1. Introduction: In July 2015, CNFA began implementing the Feed the Future Food Security and Agribusiness Support (FAS) program in Egypt. The five-year FAS program aims to dramatically increase incomes and improve food security for at least 14,000 Upper Egyptian smallholder farmers. The market-driven approach of the project is supported by four interrelated components, including improved on-farm production, more efficient post-harvest processes, improved marketing of agriculture crops and products, and improved nutritional status of pregnant and lactating women and children under 5. To promote post-harvest efficiency, the project vertically integrates farmer groups and develops agro-processing enterprises through cold chain expansion, storage facilities, and pack houses. The project will achieve an annualized increase in incomes for over 14,000 horticulture-based smallholder farmers through activities such as the introduction of new contracts between horticulture smallholder farmers and market channels. CNFA manages a matching grant fund which will be used to refurbish and develop productive infrastructure, catalyze innovation, stimulate investment, and support the development of critical value chain segments.
As part of project activities, the CNFA/FAS Project requires the purchase of tractors for its selected grantees. The purpose of this Request for Quotation RFQ is to solicit quotations for lot 1 – agricultural tractors ranging from 30hp to 170hp.
CNFA also encourages interested offerors to submit quotations in response to future related solicitations for the procurement of additional input supply-related equipment. These additional solicitations will be released shortly after the release of this current solicitation and grouped by type of equipment. There will be 4 other solicitations (RFQ). Offerors can submit offers for all lots, multiple lots, or one lot, though preference will be given to offerors who can address a larger number of lots.
Offerors are responsible for ensuring that their offers are received by CNFA in accordance with the instructions, terms, and conditions described in this RFQ. Failure to adhere to instructions described in this RFQ may lead to disqualification of an offer from consideration.
2. Offer Deadline and Protocol: Offers must be received no later than Sunday June 2, 2019 at 3:00pm local time by either email or hard copy delivery. Any emailed offers must be sent to [email protected]. Any hard copy deliveries must be stamped and signed by the offeror’s authorized representative and delivered to the FAS office located at Villa Taie, Gezira Gardens Street, Ramla, El Bairat, West Bank, Luxor, Egypt. Hard copies shall be addressed to FtF Egypt FAS Procurement Manager.
Please reference the RFQ number in any response to this RFQ. Offers received after the specified time and date will be considered late and will be considered only at the discretion of CNFA. The cover page of this solicitation summarizes the important dates of the solicitation process. Offerors must strictly follow the provided deadlines to be considered for award.
Offerors are encouraged to submit offers for the specifications listed; materials and equipment with alternative specifications may not be considered.
3. Questions: Questions regarding the technical or administrative requirements of this RFQ may be submitted no later than May 13, 2019, at 3:00pm local time to FAS Procurement Manager at [email protected].Questions must be submitted in writing; phone calls will not be accepted. Questions and requests for clarification—and the responses thereto—that CNFA believes may be of interest to other offerors will be circulated to all RFQ recipients who have indicated an interest in bidding.
Only the written answers issued by CNFA will be considered official and carry weight in the RFQ process and subsequent evaluation. Any verbal information received from employees of CNFA or any other entity should not be considered as an official response to any questions regarding this RFQ.
Click here to download the full RFQ