
A new and refreshed website of the Coordinating Working Party on Fisheries Statistics (CWP) is alive. The updated site includes changes to navigation, a refreshed look&feel, a section with highlights and relevant upcoming meetings, and importantly the new version of the CWP Handbook.

The primary goal of this upgrade was to provide the revised CWP handbook contents in a more dynamic and structured way so to allow for a more intuitive and easy navigation across sections, while adapting the contents of the old CWP website to the new FAO institutional image.

With this revamping the users will get more from a quick read through contents that we plan to be periodically updated so as the website will become a reference to all those belonging or related to the fisheries statistician’s community.

For any questions, suggestions, feedback or comments, please E-mail us at CWP-secretariat@fao.org.


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Agribusiness Information