The Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development invites applications from suitably qualified candidates for:

Title: Consultant for the Preparation of Detailed Prototype Designs and Development of BOQ for Typical Market Infrastructure Rehabilitation / Construction For LIFE-ND Project

RFP No: NPCO / CONS / QCBS / 007 / 2020
Location: Rivers


  • The Federal Government of Nigeria has received financing from the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IEAD) towards the implementation of the Livelihood Improvement Family Enterprise in the Niger Delta (LIFE-ND) Project.  This project is aimed at enhancing income, job creation and food security through Agribusiness enterprise development in a sustainable manner for the Niger Delta region.
  • LIFE-ND intends to apply part of the funding to eligible payments under the contract for consultancy service for the preparation of detailed prototype designs and development of BOQ for typical market infrastructure rehabilitation / construction for the LIFE-ND Project.
  • Accordingly, the National Project Coordinating Office LIFE-ND invites reputable Consulting firms with proven competence and experience to submit proposals for the execution of the services as stated above.

Consulting Services (“The Services”) Consist of the Following:

  • The objective of the assignment is to provide architectural and engineering services to ensure that the surveys, designs and technical specifications for the rehabilitation / maintenance and construction of agribusiness infrastructure for LIFE-ND are prepared to meet appropriate standards for climate resilient infrastructure and that the infrastructure is constructed in accordance with the plans and specifications and otherwise in accordance with sound technical standards.

The specific objectives of this consultancy are to:

  • Undertake the required studies and surveys to inform the final design of the following agri-business infrastructure
  • Water resources based Infrastructures – Groundwater infrastructure (deep wells), including mini water scheme (borehole with submersible pump, overhead tank, generator room, generator and battery of taps).
  • Irrigation system infrastructures, including: (01 – 1.0Ha) surface irrigation system, Tube wells
  • Agro and processing Buildings – Aggregation Centers, Ventilated Improved Pit (VIP) latrine – Agro Processing infrastructure for array of enterprises (Cassava, Rice, Fish, Cocoa, etc).
  • Animal Buildings – Poultry, Goatry and Piggery
  • Aquaculture infrastructure -Earth ponds, Concrete fish ponds, Fish farm buildings housing – plastic tanks, poly fibre tanks
  • Earth roads including culverts and bridges
  • Mini lauding jetties
  • Prepare the designs for the infrastructures using the information produced by the surveys and studies, as reviewed and accepted by LlFE-ND and relevant stakeholders
  • Prepare the designs for ancillary infrastructure (waste to wealth – bio digesters, briquette machines) that will promote climate smart agriculture using the information produced by he surveys and studies, as reviewed and accepted by LIFE-ND and relevant stakeholders
  • Preparation of bill of quantities priced and un-priced

The Candidates
Three consulting firms will be engaged to undertake the tasks in line with LIFE-ND project in line with LIFE-ND project menu as follows:

Consulting Firm A
Will undertake the following prototype design tasks:

  • Water resources based infrastructures – Groundwater infrastructure (deep wells), including mini water scheme (borehole with submersible pump, overhead tank, generator room, generator and battery of taps);
  • Irrigation system infrastructures, including: (01-1.0 Ha) surface irrigation system, Tube wells; Earth road including culverts and bridges; Mini landing jetties.

Consulting Firm B
Will undertake the following prototype design taks:

  • Agro Processing infrastructure for array of enterprises (Cassava, Rice, Fish, Cocoa eta);
  • Cooling facilities; designs for ancillary infrastructure (waste to wealth – bio digesters, briquette machines)that will promote climate smart agriculture.

Consulting Firm C
Will undertake the following prototype design tasks:

  • Agro and processing Building – Aggregation Centers, Ventilated Improved Pit (VIP) latrine;
  • Animal Buildings – Poultry, Goatry and Piggery; Aquaculture infrastructure – Earth ponds, Concrete fish ponds, Fish farm buildings housing – plastic tanks, poly fibre tanks.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Evidence of Certificate of Incorporation with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) including form CAC 2 and CAC 7
  • Evidence of Company Income Tax clearance certificate for the last three (3) years (2017, 2018 & 2019) valid till 31st December, 2020
  • Evidence of current Pension Compliance Certificate valid till 31st December, 2020
  • Evidence of current Industrial Training Fund (ITF) Compliance Certificate valid till 31st December, 2020
  • Evidence of current Nigeria Social Insurance Trust Fund (NSITF) Compliance Certificate valid till 31st December, 2020
  • Company’s Audited Accounts for the last three (3) years (20l7, 2018 & 2019)
  • Evidence of financial capability to execute the project by submission of Reference Letter from a reputable commercial bank in Nigeria indicating willingness to provide credit facility for the execution of the consulting services when needed.
  • Company profile

Application Closing Date
Thursday 3rd September, 2020 by 10.00 am local time.

How to Apply
Interested and qualified Consulting Firms can obtain the Proposal document by sending a mail to: and requesting for the proposal document for the consultancy service for the preparation of detailed prototype designs and development of BOQ for typical market infrastructure rehabilitation/construction for the LIFE-ND Project.

Submission Requirements
Instructions regarding preparation and submission of the proposal are contained in the RFP document. Proposals must be delivered to the address below:
The National Project Coordinator,
IFAD Assisted Livelihood Improvement Family Enterprise – Niger Delta (LIFE-ND) Project,
6, Woji Road, GRA Phase 2,
Port Harcourt,
Rivers State, Nigeria.

Email: and


  • Late proposals will be rejected.
  • Proposals will be opened in the presence of the bidders’ or representatives, who choose to attend at the address above on 3rd September, 2020 at 10.00am local time.
Agribusiness Information