
The Africa Rice Centre (AfricaRice) is seeking a highly qualified ‘Agricultural Economist –
Marketing and Consumer Preference’ to be based at AfricaRice’s 700 ha experimental
station at M’bé, near Bouaké, Côte d’Ivoire.

About AfricaRice
AfricaRice is a leading pan–African rice research organization committed to improving the
livelihoods in Africa though strong science and effective partnerships. AfricaRice is one of the 15 international agricultural research centers that are members of the CGIAR System
Organization (CSO). It is also an intergovernmental association of African member countries.
Its membership comprises 26 countries, covering West, Central, East and North African

Under the overall guidance and supervision of the Director of Research for Development; the Agricultural Economist – Marketing and Consumer preference will conduct strategic and
applied research that contribute to the development of efficient and profitable rice value chain in AfricaRice through the improvement of rice post-harvest handling and marketing
processes, the increase in the quality of local rice and rice – based products. He or she will perform the following tasks that include but are not limited:

1. Contribute to better understanding of global and regional rice market dynamics and analyze alternative strategies and policy options for the integration of national and regional rice market.
2. Conduct research on the profitability and efficiency of the value chain of local rice through analysis of marketing margins and cost.
3. Conduct research on rice consumers preferences and product profiles.
4. Lead the rice marketing and consumer preference research activities as a result of the improvement of rice post-harvest handling, processing and the development of new rice-based products.
5. Contribute to capacity building activities for national agricultural research system staff and students in African Universities through training, mentoring and thesis supervision.
6. Develop and maintain active policy with national and regional counterparts.
7. Publish research results in peer-reviewed journal and other relevant outlets.
8. Develop concept notes and proposal and contribute to resource mobilization efforts.
9. Undertake any other duties as required by the needs of the center.

Qualifications /Selection Criteria
Education: PhD in Agricultural Economics, Economic, Management or related field
Work Experience: At least three years of post-doctoral experience, preferably related to rice research. Work experience in Africa is highly desirable.

Knowledge and Key Competencies:
– Strong skills in institutional economics analysis,
– Strong skills in market research and data analysis,
– Ability to work in a multicultural team.
– Ability to motivate and manage staff.
– Excellent communication skills, oral and written.

The candidate should communicate fluently (oral or in writing) in English or French with a
good working knowledge of the other language.

Terms and Conditions
o This is an internationally recruited position.
o AfricaRice provides an attractive salary and benefits package and a collegial and gender-sensitive working environment.
o The initial appointment is for two years with renewal of contract possibility.

Application procedure
Expressions of interest (a full CV + supporting statement) including the names and addresses (telephone / fax / email) of three referees should be submitted.

To apply for this position, please send your applications to with the
following mention in subject: “Recruitment process – Agricultural Economist ”.

Deadline: Applications will be considered until Thursday, June 14, 2018.

Agribusiness Information