buhari-and-jonathan_agric_planBoth APC and PDP have made agriculture as a cardinal objective of their party, they both vow to create employment through agriculture. But HOW? Let us examine the programme of this two major party in Nigeria for Agriculture. You view is very important Click Here To Join The Discussion and Watch Video of Both Party on Agriculture

PDP Agric Plan (Agriculture Transformation Agenda)

The Nigeria Incentive-Based Risk-Sharing System for Agricultural Lending (NIRSAL) – a new innovative mechanism targeted at de-risking lending to the agricultural sector, is designed to provide the singular transformational and one bullet solution to break the seeming jinx in Nigeria’s agricultural lending and development.

2. Marketing Corporation
Under the Agricultural Transformation Agenda, the markets for agricultural commodities would be strengthened through the establishment of commodity marketing corporations around each of the commodities.

3. Growth Enhancement Support
Growth Enhancement Support Scheme (GESS) represents a policy and pragmatic shift within the existing Fertilizer Market Stabilization Programme and it puts the resource constrained farmer at its center through the provision of series of incentives to encourage the critical actors in the fertilizer value chain to work together to improve productivity, household food security and income of the farmer.

4. Staple Crops Processing Zones
This idea focuses on attracting private sector agribusinesses to set up processing plants in zones of high food production, to process commodities into food products. This would be enabled by government by putting in place appropriate fiscal, investment and infrastructure policies for Staple Crops Processing Zones.

4 Years Down The Line, How Has It Fair To You? Click Here To Join The Discussion and Watch Video of PDP Agric Transformation Testimony


APC Agriculture Manifesto

1. Modernize the sector and change Nigeria from being a country of self-subsistence farmers to that of a medium/large scale farming nation/producer;
2. Create a nationwide food inspectorate division with a view to improving nutrition and eliminating food borne hazards
3. Inject sufficient funds to the Agricultural sector to create more agro allied jobs by way of loans at nominal interest rates for capital investment on medium and commercial scale cash crops;
4. Guarantee a minimum price for all cash crops and facilitate storage of agricultural products to overcome seasonal shortages of selected food crops.
5. Move the nation to an all year round small, medium, and commercial farming through a coordinated integrative irrigation of our existing dams as well as creation of more dam to collect the over flooding waters, nationwide.
6. Revive our Agricultural Research Institutes that are in a state of comatose;
7. Review and strengthened Veterinary practices nationwide.

Do You Think This Can Turn Things Around in the Agric Sector?
Click Here To Join The Discussion and Watch Video Video Clip Of The APC manifesto

Agribusiness Information